"People of Pittsfield" Series
This is dedicated to the people the People of Pittsfield, a community of rock stars! Over nine weeks ago, I embarked on a series of photographs I called “People of Pittsfield”. You may recognize some of my subjects, if you live in or near Pittsfield. These are portraits of every-day folks. Chances are you will likely recognize these folks around town.
This project was initially meant to keep my creative juices flowing, while building my portfolio, during this devastating COVID-19 pandemic. It has blossomed into something that is so much more than that for me. It has become my lifeline to another life, one that will hopefully return in time; but for now, I get to share, commiserate, and laugh with all you Rock Stars of ordinary life.
It has evolved into a weekly thing, where I get to highlight one of the many interesting/cool people who support our community. Many thanks to Pittsfield Police Chief Mike Wynn, for the idea. He was the second subject in my series. In case you don’t know him, he is the gentleman in the blue Santa suit.
Now, many months later, this project has taken on a life of its own. I am very grateful to all who have participated so far. Each person brings their own unique style/flavor to the photo shoot. We have had so much fun (not an easy thing to do during this time), shed a few tears, and laughed at ourselves and with others. We get outdoors (in a safe, social distancing way), play in the snow, find cool places, and celebrate life!
It’s still winter here, there’s a lot of snow on the ground, but that doesn’t stop us. I will keep doing this as long as new rock stars keep showing up. At this rate, who knows, it could be forever.
As I close the book on my "People of Pittsfield" series, I want to say a big thank you to all of the wonderful people who participated (modeling and providing names). This project has given me so much joy and hope during the pandemic. All 14 of you brought your own special flavor/style to each shoot! We laughed and played and showed everyone that life is great, even in the midst of a pandemic. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You are all rockstars in my book!